Since the Light unit is divided into activity subunits, each of which is largely independent, different directions and emphasis can be taken depending on the requirements of the curriculum or learning aims of the teacher. For example, Activity 1.6 (Exploring Mirrors) replaces the traditional ‘parallax and pins’ method of determining the relationship between the angle of incidence and reflection from a plane mirror with a method involving straws that students must look through. Although the experiment yields the same end result, the use of straws reinforces the ‘ray model’ of light since only light travelling through the straws (ie in a straight line) is used. Activity 1.6 could therefore be used as a precursor to Activity 1.3 involving the formation of shadows.

The subunits consist of the following activities, which are presented in an exemplary sequence:

Subunit 1: Introducing Light


Inquiry Type


1.1 Sources of light

Interactive discussion


1.2 How does light travel?

Interactive discussion/demonstration, guided discovery

Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

1.3 Understanding shadows

Guided inquiry

Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

1.4 Exploring white light and filters

Guided discovery

Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

1.5 Exploring primary colours

Interactive discussion/demonstration

Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

1.6 Exploring mirrors

Guided discovery

Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

1.7 Exploring refraction

Interactive discussion/demonstration

Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

1.8 Exploring lenses

Guided discovery

Exploration, Explanation

Subunit 2: Exploring Light


Inquiry Type


2.1 Investigating mirror images

Guided discovery

Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

2.2 Investigating Snell’s law

Guided inquiry

Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

2.3 Studying real and apparent depths

Interactive discussion/demonstration, guided discovery

Engagement, Exploration, Explanation

2.4 Investigating lenses

Guided inquiry

Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

2.5 Optical Storage

Guided discovery

Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

2.6 How do sunglasses work?

Guided inquiry

Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaborate

2.7 Why are sunsets red?

Interactive discussion/demonstration

Engagement, Exploration, Explanation