The main IBSE approaches employed in this subunit are interactive demonstration, guided discovery and guided inquiry. Inquiry based skills developed in this unit are amongst others:

  • Asking and answering questions.
  • Planning and conducting simple investigations.
  • Performing experiments.
  • Employing tools to gather data.
  • Analysing results obtained with experiments.
  • Communicating results with the use of graphs.
  • Using data to construct reasonable explanations.
  • Communicating investigations and explanations.
  • Understanding that scientists use different kinds of investigations and tools to develop explanations using evidence and knowledge.

The activity 5 is an open inquiry; students have to prepare questions to ask during a visit to a hospital to be able to make a leaflet for patients having an ultrasound examination.

Some activities in this subunit make use of ICT tools:

  • Data logging - measurements with a sound sensor
  • On-line simulations
  • Computer as source of information.