Discussion methods – discussion, managed discussion

Pupils discuss, eg. the issue of produced waste from the point of view of the environment.  A teacher together with pupils discusses recycling of different materials as well as plastic and its use. Pupils discuss the results of the experiment and conclusions drawn from it.


Problem-based teaching

A teacher consistently gets pupils involved in the process of looking for and finding solutions to problems – eg. pupils look for possibilities of waste disposal. A model task: Compare the life cycle of a glass and plastic bottle and try to produce a graph of the two cycles.


Group and co-operative teaching

A group is made up of two to seven pupils.  A task for the group: How is plastic made? Find at least two ways of its production. Pupils present conclusions they arrived at in groups. They can use the information they have looked up on the Internet.

Why do people produce such an amount of waste? What reasons do we have to separate it? Can you separate waste correctly? Why don’t some people separate waste?


Project-based teaching

The basis of the method is tackling a task of a complex character. The whole activity 5 is focused on project-based teaching. The results of pupils’ work are not only answers to the questions in the worksheet but also their presentation either by PowerPoint presentation or poster in front of the class, eg. Draw a simple comics ”From the life of PET bottles”.

Practical methods

They include carrying out chemical trials by which pupils not only observe phenomena but also effect them in an active way – they prepare, manage and evaluate chemical process themselves. Based on carried out experiments pupils acquire knowledge on properties of plastic in the lesson.